“What Will We Tell Our Grandkids About The Last Two Years?”, Emily Mendenhall’s Reflections on Scary Mommy

Illustration of what it feels like inside the home of a working mom during the pandemic. The walls look greenish and the floor blue, and all inside is crooked. In the center of the illustration, there is the body of a giant baby, wearing the shoes of an adult and holding in their tiny hands a facemask carrying a woman holding books and a large box with office supplies. Next to the baby, there is an old-fashioned TV, with the word

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“What stories will we tell our grandchildren? How will the pandemic look to us in 10, 20, 30 years, or more? How will the pandemic period affect how we relate to each other in the future?”. These are some of the questions that Emily Mendenhall explores in her article “What Will We Tell Our Grandkids About The Last Two Years?”, published on Scary Mommy.

Read the Scary Mommy piece.