“Beyond Thinking: Black Flesh as Meat Patties and The End of Eating Everything”

Surrealistic image of a figure with the head of a black person with long curved wires as hair and a heavy, elongated and limbless body, of dark green tones and with white and red spots. The figure is facing left and from that direction, there is a flock of birds flying in their direction
Capture from The End of Eating Everything

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In this article, Theodora Danylevich explores flesh as an inner register of violence against African-American and diasporic black subjects. Following Spillers’s discussion of the marks of violence on the captive body, she studies flesh as an archival register where history is encrypted, “violently inscribed with and then left violently unthought by culture”. “As a result of this encryption, the continued violence against black bodies is sanctioned and ‘justified'”.

Read the journal article.