Elisa Reverman Illustrates the Bombshelltoe Policy x Arts Collective’s Lifelines Project

Illustration: Elisa Reverman for the Bombshelltoe Arts Collective's Lifelines Project
Posted in Media | Tagged Elisa Reverman, Media 2021, Students
Elisa Revernman, Philosophy PhD student and one of our 2020-2021 Fellowships recipients, illustrated the Bombshelltoe Policy x Arts Collective‘s Lifelines Project. Lifelines is a collection of personal reflections about the experiences of nuclear policy and technical practitioners during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic (2020 – 2021). It features an introduction by Lovely Umayam, and essays by Victoria Wu, Anu Damale, Chantell Murphy and Ana Velasco, based on anecdotes from the Gender Champions for Nuclear Policy Gendered Impacts of Covid-19 Survey.
View Elisa Reverman’s illustrations and read the essays on the Lifeline Project’s website.