Theodora Danylevich Presented her Contribution to A Cultural History of Disability at the Composing Disability Conference

Posted in Past events | Tagged Spring 2021, Theodora Danylevich
On April 9, 2021, Theodora Danylevich presented her work on “Chronic Pain and Illness: States of Privilege and Bodies of Abuse” at the Composing Disability conference, hosted by the George Washington University virtually, which this year celebrated the publication of A Cultural History of Disability.
This is a six-volume collection that spans more than 2,500 years, focusing on Antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Long Eighteenth Century, the Long Nineteenth Century, and the Modern Age.
“From this cultural studies perspective, a cultural history of disability is attuned to how disabled people have been caught up in systems of representation that, over the centuries (and with real, material effects), have variously contained, disciplined, marginalized, or normalized them. A cultural history of disability also, however, traces the ways in which disabled people themselves have authored or contested representations, shifting or altering the complex relations of power that determine the meanings of disability experience”, write Bolt and McRuer in the series preface.
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Find more information about the conference.
Read Theodora Danylevich’s contribution to A Cultural History of Disability.