Meet Nicoletta Pireddu, PhD, MA

Nicoletta Pireddu

Professor Pireddu is a specialist in Comparative Literature. She holds an Italian laurea, and doctoral degrees from both Italy and the United States (a ”Dottorato di ricerca” in English and American Literatures from Università di Venezia ”Ca’ Foscari”, and a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of California, Los Angeles).

She is the Inaugural Director of the Georgetown Humanities Initiative  and the Director of the Global and Comparative Literature Program . For the academic year 2018-19 she was Interim Chair of the Italian Department and the organizer of the 2019 American Comparative Literature Association annual conference , which took take place at Georgetown University, March 7-10, 2019.

Currently a core member of the Medical Humanities Program , she was also appointed as Director of the ”FLL Hager Scholars Program Colloquium” and Director of Graduate Studies in Italian. She was invited by the Dean of Georgetown College to teach the Ignatius Seminar ”Borders: Self, Nation, and Beyond” (2015-18) and the Liberal Arts Seminar ”Mediterranean Crossings” (2018-21). She received Georgetown University’s FLL Distinguished Service Award (2017) and the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2005).

Featured media, scholarship, and events

Panelists of the An Interdisciplinary Approach to Life's Big Questions event: Daniel Kahneman, Ruth Ozeki, Brianne Bilsky, Oleg Svet, Alan Lightman, and Nicoletta Pireddu

An Interdisciplinary Approach to Life’s Big Questions

February 22nd, 2022

In this event, held online on February 22, 2022 and hosted by the Georgetown Humanities Initiative, an interdisciplinary panel of world-renowned experts addressed the issue of uncertainty in human existence.…

Med School Dahlgren Library Bookshelves

“Medical Humanities Initiative Creates Novel Learning Opportunities with Interdisciplinary Students and Faculty”, The Georgetown University Medical Center Covers the Work of the Medical Humanities Initiative

January 28th, 2021

The Georgetown University Medical Center wrote about the novel learning opportunities that the Georgetown University Medical Humanities Initiative provides for undergraduate and medical students, by extending classical humanities studies into the realm of illness and disease.…

The "Humanities in the Time of COVID-19" panel. The panelists are Karen Stohr, Cóilín Parsons, Andrew Sobanet, and Nicoletta Pireddu, and the moderator is Dean Christopher Celenza

Humanities in the Time of COVID-19: What Literature, Ethics, and the Arts Can Teach Us in a Quarantine Environment

May 28th, 2020

This virtual panel of Georgetown humanities scholars discussed the role of the humanities in this most distinctive of times. The panelists took French novelist Albert Camus’s 1947 novel The Plague as the point of departure to address how literature, philosophy, history, and the arts can help us understand ourselves in relation to the world, foster empathy and a sense of connection in times of crisis, and help people make everyday ethical decisions.…

The criminal crowd and other writings on mass society cover

The Criminal Crowd and Other Writings on Mass Society

November 8th, 2018

This book, with an introduction and notes by Nicoletta Pireddu, who edited and co-translated it, is the first English collection of writings by Italian jurist, sociologist, cultural and literary critic Scipio Sighele.…

Reframing Critical, Literary, and Cultural Theories. Thought on the Edge cover

Reframing Critical, Literary, and Cultural Theories. Thought on the Edge

August 28th, 2018

This book, edited by Nicoletta Pireddu, and with contributors from diverse cultural and scholarly backgrounds and based in three different continents, participates in the ongoing debate about the alleged “death of theory”, proposing new areas of investigation and interpretive possibilities, reopening dialogues with past and present discourses from a plurality of perspectives and locations.…